To discuss the TVS curriculum, please contact:
Miss Mallon -
To discuss the TVS exams and/or qualifications offer, please contact:
Miss Eden -
Our vision
"To deliver an education for our pupils that meets their needs, aspirations and interests, to prepare them well for adulthood”
Our Curriculum Intent
At Thames Valley School, we believe every pupil should have the opportunity to excel, develop their talents and follow their aspirations.
We believe that the pupils’ acquisition of key knowledge and skills lays the foundation for confident and independent learners. We provide a holistic learning experience that not only imparts knowledge but also fosters critical thinking, problem-solving, and adaptability, ensuring that pupils are equipped for the ever-evolving world.
We aim to develop a lifelong love of learning and a growth mindset by supporting pupils to raise their aspirations and set their own goals.
Our core values of Courage, Determination and Teamwork are reflected in our curriculum, and we believe that fostering collaboration, respect for, and celebration of, diversity is critical for developing tolerant and caring young people.
We provide a well-rounded education, extending beyond academic study and offer rich, diverse opportunities for all pupils.
Personal development, wellbeing, and individualised support, based on Education Health and Care Plans, is prioritised, alongside academic development, because we know pupils learn best when they are well-supported and have the tools to support their own wellbeing and mental health.
We believe effective communication is key to developing positive relationships, strong social skills, community inclusion and success in the workplace. By addressing communication challenges faced by autistic pupils, offering targeted support and providing pupils with a sense of community and its values, we seek to empower pupils to navigate social interactions confidently and thrive in a variety of environments.
Our Quality of Life Framework enables us to work with pupils and parents to plan each child’s education based on what is right for them now and for their future.
Implementation of our Curriculum
Our Curriculum Model
Our curriculum is broad and balanced and follows the National Curriculum through differentiated pathways. Our curriculum model prioritises learning in three domains: Academic, Communication and Personal Development. For more information, see Liberty Curriculum.
The class sizes at Thames Valley School are small: on average, a class of six children will learn with one teacher and two learning mentors, and some children are supported individually.
In the Primary Department, the Class Teacher and team of Learning Mentors help to establish the classroom as a secure base in which pupils can learn. They also have their own outdoor space with a range of play equipment. They develop a sense of being part of the whole school community through weekly assemblies and enrichment opportunities. There is a strong focus on helping pupils to develop the basic building blocks of learning, including reading and mental arithmetic with Science, Computing and PSHCE taught as discrete subjects. We carefully plan opportunities to support pupils to generalise and apply their learning, across subjects and into the wider community.
In the Secondary Department, pupils benefit from a secondary model of education where they are taught from Entry Level up to GCSE grade 9; this teaching is by subject specialists who bring both a passion for their subject and deep pedagogical knowledge and understanding. Learning is divided into 3 Curriculum Pathways. We recognise that our pupils are individuals and some pupils have their own personalised curriculum and timetable. All pupils have a consistent form tutor who meets with them daily and is responsible for their pastoral care, the pupils are supported by skilled Learning Mentors throughout the school day who remain consistent across the different subjects. Our intention is to increase support and to tailor the learning context to ensure pupils feel sufficiently safe and confident to engage and progress, rather than to lessen our ambition for these young people to succeed.
We want our pupils to enjoy their studies, and to learn how they learn best. We have high expectations and aspirations for all our pupils, which is why we ask our children to work hard, adopt a growth mindset and encourage them always to do their best.
Click below to see our subject overview:
KS4 Pathway 1
KS4 Pathway 2
KS4 Pathway 3
Primary Overview
Year 7 Overview
Year 8 Overview
Sample Timetables:
Primary timetable
Key Stage 3 Timetable:
The Importance of Reading
Being able to read fluently is a key skill which is also essential to pupils’ ability to continue adding to their body of knowledge, so we place a strong emphasis on developing this throughout pupils’ primary and secondary education. All teachers have access to clear assessment data on each pupil's ability, including their ability to read with comprehension, and teachers use this to inform their teaching. Where pupils may struggle, we implement a clear programme of intervention to support their development in this area.
Reading is prioritised across the curriculum in all key stages. We aim to:
To instill a love of reading within our pupils, that lasts a lifetime, helping all to recognise the value of reading as a life skill.
To enhance pupils’ fluency, confidence, and independence when reading different texts for different purposes.
To inspire our pupils to become enthusiastic readers, introducing them to an array of literature from across the literary canon and other cultures.
To deepen our pupils’ comprehension skills, exposing them to non-fiction; fiction; poetry; and drama to enhance their understanding of language over time.
To support all pupils in becoming critical readers, so they are able to reflect on a text, analysing the language and structural choices made by the writer, as well as authorial intent.
To deepen curiosity and empathy within our pupils, using key reading strategies, drama, and role play to immerse them in a text.
Click here to see the Trust Reading Strategy
Phonics & Reading Schemes
At Key Stage 1 & Key Stage 2 we use Read, Write Inc, developed by Ruth Miskin, to teach phonics. Phonics teaches pupils to read accurately and fluently with good comprehension. They learn to form each letter and spell correctly; pupils’ phonetical ability is regularly assessed, and pupils are taught appropriately to their stage of understanding and application.
On occasions, pupils in Key Stage 3 require support with their phonetical knowledge and application. When this is the case, we use Read Write Inc Fresh Start to support their phonetical development in an age appropriate and engaging way.
To support pupils, develop their fluency, comprehension, and confidence with reading we use Accelerated Reader to band our books and support pupils to independently select their reading book. Alongside the book banding, we celebrate the successes of pupils with their reading.